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Yoga with me


"When you experience the whole existence as part of you - that is yoga."

In  my classes I teach the styles of Vinyasa, Hatha, restorative & Yin Yoga with a modern approach to anatomy, a gentle but conscious dance of intuition and spirit. I love to blend my creations with the traditional ways of Yoga in its integrity & wholeness.


Intuition is the gate to the spiritual world and yet so many people have forgotten how to connect to it. 

We come here with all the tools and the wisdom within us - but then we loose it again growing up towards an ideal which, in my nowadays eyes, is essentially questionable. Moreover are we not consciously choosing here because we grow in a society that does mainly one thing: bringing us from the heart into the head. In a world that is loud and very distractive from our roots. As we have this human experience in our physical body, yoga practice is my favourite form of remembering how to feel the wholeness of my existence. 



Are you...

lacking of vibrant energy quite often?

​feeling tension and stiffness in your body (parts)?

wishing for your eyes to shine and your heart to guide?

experiencing yourself easily affected by external causes?

missing the alignment between your physical and mental body?

If these questions resonate within you, I'd be honoured to give your wishes and your why a space to be heard and seen because I am from my own experience aware of how perceptions like the ones above are main drivers to imbalances in both our physical and emotional body.

These emotions then keep us from being kind to ourselves and from generating the form of energy that would actually nurture us. 


As a 200HR yoga teacher and longtime student I offer being a connector between you and your practice. With introducing you to the holistic tools that come with yoga, you will watch your mind follow as you give in and you'll achieve more harmony in every aspect of your life.


The wish to help people (re-)connect to yoga intensified within me when I was passionately studying yoga in its wholeness accompanied by my own everyday practice since around 8 years. I am here to support you with taking good care of your body.


So let me guide you back into remembering your naturally joyful being by supporting your powerful self with asana and pranayama practice. Two instruments of yoga that have the strong potential to raise your frequency, your holistic fitness and the way you look at EVERYTHING. I have been searching for something greater and EVERYTHING changed with finding yoga.


You will see aspects of your life changing into an integral and fulfilling sight of view with deeper peace of body and mind. You are - at any moment - more than ready to give this gift to yourself. Immerse into the practice, recognise it for the profound process of expansion and healing and receive its holistic blessings. 


Yoga for yourself


Let yoga soften your heart and strengthen your body...

In yoga studios and group flows it is hardly possible to check on every striving yogi student. Alignments in the postures when flowing through sequences is essential to benefit from your practice and to allow you to feel safe in your body which is why the body deserves to be paid individual attention. Especially as a yoga beginner you might even feel ​insecurities or unclear postures when working on your practice. There is no need for these insecurities since they might as a result keep the whole magic from you...


Flowing with a group is one of the amazing and very addictive assets of the yogic energy from which most students start to embrace yoga with all their heart. To enjoy the collective sequences with a confident mindset and respectfully meeting your body's needs and potential situative or part-time limits, I will support your practice as a beginner or an advanced student - from where you stand to where you want to grow. Let us together find what feels good for you.


I will lead you to individually align your postures by giving better understanding and being with you while practicing under guidance.

Shift your practice onto the next level, start to go deeper into the journey of experimenting with your prana and whole energy balance or respectfully strengthen your current relationship to your kind of yoga. 


Private classes with previous discovery call & individually designed approach: 

90 Minutes: 59 €



My personal and blissful journey into yoga...


When I first connected to yoga I was around 19 years old and it opened up this door into an inward world that I had certainly sensed to be there before, but never have I done something similar that could have handed me the keys to this door. After some years and practice on different yoga styles and changing yoga instructors, my practice became an essential component. Like really indispensable. My body demands the physical outcome all the time. My mind and spirit love the clarity it brings to me on all levels.


No wonder: yoga calms down our nervous system, increases health all over our organism, releases stored tension and balances our emotions. It therefore is a wise therapist that we have the chance to seek in ourselves. Are you ready to be your most radiant version? 


I live by the belief that when I listen to myself, everything comes naturally. From inside, like a will to do something. When I'm being sensitive, when I listen closely. Then I embody and radiate yoga. Then I am connected with the wholeness within me and around me. 


Shining on this light in my own surrounding, I see as my intentional assistance I am supposed to serve our earth with. In the same way that beautiful people have shed their yogic light, their knowledge & experience, their patience & compassion onto my path.


I give humbled thanks to the philosophy of yoga. 



Om Shanti.​

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